TFrameStand is now available through GetIt !
I am very happy TFrameStand component is now available on GetIt (Embarcadero’s Package Manager)!
Now, it will be very easy to add my component to your IDE: just open GetIt (“Tools” menù -> “GetIt Package Manager …”) and search for TFrameStand. You will find the TFrameStand entry with its Install button.
Click Install, accept the copyright notice and… that’s it! You can now start playing with TFrameStand in your FireMonkey applications!
Please note installation process also provides you a copy of TFrameStand demos in the Samples/Object Pascal folder of your Delphi installation.
The best place to find informations to get started are:
- the article I wrote for Blaise Pascal Magazine 45/46
- the blog post I wrote here on my blog
- the replay of my CodeRage X session on Embarcadero’s YouTube channel
If you have any question or find some bug, feel free to use the Issue tracker provided by (Link).
Enjoy! 🙂
Whether you can support setting the item width in landscape?