Delphi Live Italia 2021: #1
The Delphi Live Italia initiative is back! New events of the serie will be held starting today, February 22nd, h.16:00 CET.
The events started during the first COVID-19 lockdown, in 2020. We (me, Carlo Barazzetta, Antonello Carlomagno and other friends/speakers) were trying to have online meetings, on a regular basis, to discuss relevant topics for/with the Italian Delphi community. Key aspects: online, live, native language (Italian), good interaction level (Q&A, chat with participants).

The 2020 series has been a success, with many participants and a very good feedback from the community. So here we are again! Even if restrictions are less strict (at the moment), in-person meetings are still something out of opportunity and we think we can get together online to share some updates on the Delphi world.
Once again we are happy and proud to use a Delphi-powered meeting platform: Lumicademy.

The team behind Lumicademy includes very well-known MVP members of the international Delphi community (Allen Drennan and Erik van Bilsen, also known for OSS projects and their technical blog at and their product is a shiny example of success case for Embarcadero: server and client applications (running on several platforms) are built with Delphi. Thanks for supporting our initiative!
I also have to thank my editor, Packt Publishing, that is going to support the initiative providing some goodies for participants: a raffle will be held each event and the winner will get a printed copy of my book, Delphi GUI Programming with FireMonkey.

Other discounts and coupons will be available to participants of the live event.
The first event (today) will be held from Carlo Barazzetta and is about building Windows shell extensions with Delphi (three different kinds, including preview, thumbnail generation and context menu integration). Carlo will show his recent work about SVG shell integration for Windows, a cool project and a very handy tool if you are using SVG (even outside Delphi of course!).
The topics list and events schedule is under construction but we can share some anticipations:
- Open Source projects
- MARS-Curiosity REST library
- TFrameStand/TFormStand/FMXER
- Instant Objects – ORM (within REST server application)
- Mobile development (UI mock-up)
- News about Delphi (new releases, updates, … )
- Delphi success cases
Follow up
To join the event (Italian language generally) and for an up-to-date schedule, keep an eye on the following page: